Contribution Analysis of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises On the Regional Development in the Sub-District Medan Johor, Medan City

Juliana Khairina Harahap, S.STP, Dr. Agus Purwoko S.Hut, M.Si, Dr. Rujiman MA


Economic growth of the city of medan over a period of 2011 - 2013 shows retarding which means .Economic growth of the city of medan in the year 2011 at 7,69 % .In 2012 the economic growth of the city of medan the number decreased to 7,63 % as much as , in 2013 further decline being 4,30 % .But the trade sector , hotel and restaurant growing from 8,67 % in 2011 being 9,40 % in 2013. Research conducted in the sub-district of Medan Johor on Analysis of Contributions of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to the Regional Development in the sub-district of Medan Johor, Medan City. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study obtained that micro small and medium enterprises had a role in employment because it has the average employment respondents research as many as 7.37 people ( 604 / 82 ). The results of the analysis regression, factors capital, the amount of labor, place of business, formal education, informal education, and legality business entity simultaneously affect income micro small and medium enterprises in the sub district Medan Johor of the city of Medan.In partial variable capital, the amount of labor, and formal education significant influence against revenue micro small and medium enterprises in the sub district Medan Johor of the city of Medan.While dummy variable place of business, informal education and legality business entity does not show a clear significant impact on income micro small and medium enterprises in the sub district Medan Johor of the city of Medan. The role of micro small and medium enterprises to regional development can be seen from employment , purchasing power of the community , level of income to fund family life , and infrastructure support .In addition the local economy where an increased occurrence of PDRB of the city of medan .Economic development local can create a new job and stimulate regional economic activities as the effect multiplier of the micro small and medium enterprises .With the micro small and medium enterprises expected the local economy so that have an impact on improve economic growth , and increase public welfare.



Micro Small and Medium Enterprises

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