Model of Sustainable Food Houses Region Evaluation (Case of the Bawean Islands - East Java)

Adang Warya, Gunawan Gunawan, Yoyon Haryanto


The concept of Model of Sustainable Food Houses Region (Model Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari/MKRPL) was launched because households as the smallest form of soc

Corresponding Author:  Yoyon Haryanto

 iety are very strategic as targets in every effort to increase food self-sufficiency to the national level. Therefore, the implementation paradigm in order to run well and smoothly in the field, among others: is planned and carried out in participatory manner, socialized in an informative and communicative manner, and supported in an integrated and comprehensive manner. The aim of this study was to assess the MKRPL program and improve the components of the program in terms of the context, input, process, and product components in Bawean Islands, East Java. The results of the evaluation with contex, input, process and product components are generated in the MKRPL program. The Bawean Islands of East Java are running smoothly and are successful in achieving their planned goals. This is proved by the significant impact both on the community that is increasing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the community towards the optimization of the yard environment as well as having positive impact on the private open space (yard) and its surroundings to fulfill food needs and nutrition requirements of the family based on local resources, environmentally friendly, and sustainable in one area.

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