Implementation Of Special Autonomy Policy In Papua Province

Rusdianto Abu, Ermaya Suradinata, Yana Sahyana, Mansyur Achmad


Abstract – The phenomenon that is used as the object of research is the implementation of the special autonomy policy in Papua Province on increasing the Human Development Index (IPM) in Papua Province. The research objectives are (1) to analyze the implementation of the special autonomy policy in increasing HDI; (2) Analyze the obstacles to the implementation of the special autonomy policy in increasing the HDI; (3) Formulate a strategy for implementing special autonomy policies in increasing the HDI.

          Utilizing a qualitative approach, this study gathered data from four informants identified via the snowball technique, with additional information obtained from literature and direct observation. The collected data was then analyzed descriptively, refined through observer triangulation.

         This study explores the implementation of the special autonomy policy in Papua Province and its less than optimal impact on the Human Development Index (HDI). Key impediments include policy limitations in meeting stakeholders' interests, the types and extent of benefits conferred, change rate, decision-making, execution, and resource commitment. Further challenges arise from a weak anticipation of stakeholders' strengths, interests, strategies, institutional characteristics, compliance, and responsiveness. Given these constraints, current implementation has not effectively improved Papua's HDI as suggested by persistently low index scores.

           Obstacles to the implementation of the special autonomy policy in Papua Province on increasing HDI include structural constraints, cultural constraints and conditional constraints.

           The Special Autonomy ASOCA Strategy Model is a strategic approach derived from examining the special autonomy policy's impact on Papua Province's HDI


Policy Implementation, Regional Autonomy, Human Development Index

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