Connaissances Des Vendeurs Du Marché Sur Les Risques Chimiques Des Composés Organiques Volatils « Cas Du Marché Bayaka » De La Commune De Ngiri-Ngiri,» A Kinshasa, République Démocratique Du Congo

Fiston Masikini Bombamu, Becker Kanku Tshimanga, Landry Kemfine Lemvie, Jean Jacques Amogu Domondo, Trésor Matuzeyi Kuedi, Jacques Bomoi Matita, Pierre-Celestin Bongo Mola, Prescilia Mabubu Pembe, Odette Kabena Ngandu


The aim of our study is to assess the knowledge of vendors at the BAYAKA market in the commune of Ngiri-Ngiri Ville, Kinshasa, on the prevention of pathologies caused by volatile organic compounds. Methods : Data were collected using a survey questionnaire on a sample of 115 respondents, sellers of all kinds of chemical products with over three years' experience on the BAYAKA market. An interview grid (focus group) was used to complete the information contained in the questionnaire. The data collected covered the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and their opinions on the characteristics of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), as well as cases of intoxication caused by Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Results : The results showed that the main health problems linked to the use of volatile organic compounds cited by sellers were digestive problems (2.1%), eye irritation (17.0%), vomiting (12.8%), coughing (23.4%), respiratory problems (4.3%), skin irritation (8.4%), dizziness (12.8%), hunger (6.4%), heat in the hand (4.3%), etc. When it comes to waste management, most vendors dispose of their waste by incineration (48.5%), landfill (16.9%), reuse (11.5%) and garbage can (23.1%). Conclusion : In view of the results obtained, studies on samples of persistent organic products, hydrocarbons, sodium hypochlorites (bleach), etc. are essential for a sustainable orientation of market gardening in Kinshasa.


Volatile organic compounds, poisoning, BAYAKA, Ngiri-Ngiri, Kinshasa, DRCongo.

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