The Effectiveness and Implementation of Guiding Practical Based Guided Inquiry to Improving Learning Outcomes on Animal Physiology

Rina Widiana, Ramadhan Sumarmin, Diana Susanti


The aimed of this study was to define the effectiveness of Animal Physiology Practical guided book  based on Guided Inquiry  for students of biology education STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. This research is the development of 4-D development model which consists of  four phases (define, design, develop and dessiminate) but this researched just done in develop stage in efectiveness.  The subjects of this research were 65 students from 2017 section. The data analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that the Animal Physiology practical guided book based on guided inquiry for students of biology education STKIP PGRI West Sumatra is efeectiveness to promote the motivation, activities, and learning outcomes. 


Effectiveness, Practical guided book, Guided Inquiry

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