Implementation of Discovery Learning Model by Using Scientific Approach to Improve Students’ Natural Sciences Learning Competence in Grade VII SMPN 21 Padang

Masnidar Rusli, Azwir Anhar


Purpose of the research was to improve grade VII students’ learning competence in SMPN 21 Padang in academic year 2017/2018 by using implementation of discovery learning model in materials of living organization and interaction between organisms and their environment. This research was a classroom action research done in two cycles. Every cycles consisted of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subject was class VII8 of SMPN 21 Padang in academic year 2017/2018. Data sources were teacher and students. Techniques of data collection were through test and observation sheets. The collected data were analyzed in qualitative descriptive. Based on the research finding, it can be concluded that the implementation of discovery learning model can improve students’ learning competence. The result showed that percentage of affective competence in pre-Cycle was 79.30%, in cycle I was 81.26%, and in cycle II was 88.13%. Students’ psychomotor competence in pre-Cycle was 65.20%, in cycle I was 72.33%, and in cycle II was 74.00%. While, students’ cognitive competence in pre-Cycle was 66.43%, in cycle I was 75.89%, and cycle II was 83.39%


Classroom Action Research, Discovery Learning, Learning Competence

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