Strategy Of Banyuwangi Local Government To Increase Coastal Economic Growth

Priska Bungaran Patandianan, Abdul Rivai Ras, Pujo Widodo, Herlina Juni Risma Saragih, Panji Suwarno


Banyuwangi Regency is a part of East Java Province. In 2020 it  has an area of 5.782.50 km² and consists of 24 districts with a  population of 1.708.114. As the district with the lowest poverty rate in East Java,  Banyuwangi has developed and implemented a series of strategies. Based on the Central Bureau of Statistics’ data  2015, Banyuwangi Micro Small Medium Scale Business (MSMSBs) reached 269.267 business people. The government stimulated and  continued promoting the competitiveness of MSMSBs. It is prior to the education and health  sectors. MSMSBs are one of the most important stimulants to  economic growth and provide long-term benefits. Tourism influences the turnover of MSMSBs such as culinary, souvenirs, lodging and homestays. Tourism is a magnet for rapid economic turnover. The Banyuwangi government seeks to build trust in the community through tourism. Basically, tourism is an asset for Banyuwangi Regency. Having sustainable management and development is a key strategy to be carried out by the government in collaboration with the ministry of tourism, then the implementation of development is continued by regional areas that have the potential to be developed as a tourist destination.

Keywords- Banyuwangi, strategy,  economy, MSMSBs, tourism.


Banyuwangi, strategy, economy, MSMSBs, tourism.

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