The Influence of Bitter (Andrographis Paniculata Ness.) Extract to Reproductive Performance of Mice (Mus Musculus L. Swiss Webster)

Wendikal Abadi, Ramadhan Sumarmin


Sambiloto (AndrographispaniculataNess) is one of the folk remedies that are expected to be a herbal anti fertility. Chemically this plant contain diterpenoid lactones do. On the components of diterpenoid lactones do contains andrografolid which is the main active substances from the plant that acts as an anti fertility. Andrografolid function to prevent cell division (cytokinesis). this research aims to know the influence of the giving of the extract (Andrographispaniculata Ness.) against the appearance of the reproduction of Mice (Musmusculus l. Switzerland Webster). This research is a research experiment with a random Design method complete (RAL) that use animal testing mice are females (Musmusculus l.) by as much as 4 treatments and 4 replicates. The treatment given is the extract of Sambiloto with various doses, IE: A is the control treatment, without given extract, sambiloto treatments 1, 2 and 3 is the treatment given the extract of sambiloto orally (gavage) for 24 days with each dose is 1. 0.2 g/head/day, 2. 0.4 g/head/day, 3. 0.6 g/head/day. The parameters observed were stem weight, number of corpus luteum, implantation, resorpsi, dead fetus, fetus alive and the average weight of the fetus. The data are tested with the parametric ANOVA (analysis of Variance) and then in the advanced test BNT on drajat α 5%. The results showed that the extract of sambiloto ((Andrographispaniculata Ness.) effect on the amount of the foetus is born where every real different treatment when compared to controls. as well as the number of implantation and the number of corpus luteum that has decreased when compared with controls. Stem weight added on P1, P2 and P3 are experiencing the decline in when compared with controls. Foetus alive decline on P1, P2 and P3 if compared to the control. Then it can be inferred that the extract of sambiloto given orally during the 24 days led to a decrease in the number of corpus luteum, decline  number of fetus born and decreased the number of implantation.


Sambiloto, Andrografolid, Reproductive Performance

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