The Role of Social Network Sites in English Language Teaching_Harnessing the Potential of Facebook and YouTube as Learning Tools

Tinh Thi Vu, Bui Thi Nhi, Nguyen Thi Kim Ba, Le Xuan Quynh Anh, Nguyen Thi Boi Ngoc


This paper provides a comprehensive review of the role of Social Network Sites (SNSs) in the context of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning. It examines the definitions and potential applications of SNSs, with a specific focus on Facebook and YouTube. The paper discusses the educational and instructional implementations of these SNSs, as well as the challenges and drawbacks faced by both teachers and students when utilizing them. Furthermore, it explores the pedagogical implications of incorporating the cutting-edge features offered by SNSs, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional and technologically driven learning environments


Social network sites (SNSs), English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Technology incorporation, Language learning and teaching.

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