The Influence Of Sociocultural Factors On Stunting Incidents (Qualitative Studies In Rural)

lidia Hastuti


Introduction: The problem of stunting that occurs in childhood has an impact on morbidity, mortality, impaired physical growth, impaired mental and cognitive development, and affects motor development. The disturbances that occur tend to be irreversible. The direct causes of stunting include inadequate nutritional intake and infectious diseases. Indirectly stunting can be caused by factors such as family food security, parenting style, inadequate health and environmental health services, education, poverty, and socio-culture. The research aims to determine the influence of social, economic, and cultural factors on the incidence of stunting in Bange village. Method: Qualitative study with a phenomenological approach, with a total of 9 participants. Collecting data by conducting in-depth interviews, testing the validity and reliability of the research was carried out using the triangulation method, and analyzing data using thematic analysis. Result: This study found several factors causing stunting, namely the use of contraception is not optimal, the spacing of pregnancies is too close, pregnancy at a young age, implementation of a clean and healthy lifestyle that is less than optimal, lack of nutritional supplements in pregnant women and babies and lack of knowledge of mothers about food nutrition during pregnancy and after the child is born. Social factors and community habits are related to the incidence of stunting, namely family economic factors, family parenting patterns that are not optimal, young marriages, young pregnancies, and spacing of pregnancies that are too close, and parenting patterns in the family. There was no specific culture/culture that was suspected of being the direct cause of stunting in toddlers.

Keywords: social factors, rural, stunting


social factors, rural, stunting

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