Activation Of The Role Of Enterprises In Attraction Of Investments From Foreign Countries

Susanna S. Alieva


The study within the framework of this work is aimed at substantiating measures to enhance investment activity based on the assessment and analysis of investment decisions. In particular, the author considers the factors influencing the adoption of investment decisions. At the same time, it is shown that in order to create an attractive investment climate, a constant dialogue with existing and future investors is necessary, which allows improving the investment climate of the country and specific regions. At the same time, it is necessary to attach particular importance to the formation of an investment policy strategy aimed at individual, the most promising sectors for Uzbekistan, and to lay the foundation for the development of the country's productive forces. Improve the infrastructure of the investment market through the creation and improvement of investment institutions, increase the level of digitalization, and establish new areas of cooperation. According to the author, such measures, backed up by legislative and regulatory support from the state, will enhance the role of enterprises in attracting foreign investment.


investments, investment decisions, infrastructure, investment climate, budget efficiency of investments, investment project, tax incentives.

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