Study of Water Quality Effect Due to Floating Net Cages using the Storet Method in the River Sp.Padang OKI

Yosie Guspa, Ria Fahleny, Yuliani Yuliani


The Komering River flows through the OKI (Ogan Komering Ilir) district. Along with the number of settlements, there are also many population activities such as floating net cages (KJA) activities, especially in the district of Sp. Padang as well as the disposal of household waste in the Komering River is increasing. Some of the people in the village of Sp.Padang uses the Komering river for their daily needs, where water quality is the main requirement in influencing survival. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of water quality as the cause of the Sp. river water cage field. The type of data collected is primary data. The study was conducted at 3 stations on the river Sp. Padang field. The physico and chemical indicator of river water used are: turbidity, temperature, pH, TSS, DO, BOD, CO, water discharge and current velocity. The data obtained from the laboratory were then analyzed, then comparisons were made with the Storet method. Sampling for water quality replaces the surrounding area with direct measurements and measurements made in the laboratory. The use of the Storet method refers to PP No. 82 of 2001. The principle of the Storet method is to combine information on river water quality with river water standards and then adjust it according to its use, by classifying water quality into four classes. The results of the activity (KJA) in the waters of the Sp. Padang river are classified as bad (heavy polluted) class D  where KJA activity has an influence on the water quality of the Sirah River in Padang Island, OKI Regency.


Water Quality; Floating Net Cages; Storet method; OKI

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