Assessment Of Irrigation Water Quality Used In Kabuye Swamp, Gasabo District, Rwanda

Tharcisse TWIZEYIMANA, Kayijuka Claude


The irrigated agriculture is dependent on an adequate water supply of usable quality. Water quality concerns have often been neglected because good quality water supplies have been plentiful and readily available. This situation is now changing in many areas. To avoid problems when using those poor-quality water supplies, it must be sound planning to ensure that the quality of water available is put to the best use (FAO, 1985). This study focused on assessment of irrigation water quality used in Kabuye swamp located in Gasabo District, Rwanda. The research aims to evaluate some physico-chemical parameters namely K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, pH, electrical conductivity, and HCO3- along with Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in order to assess the quality of irrigation water used and status of pollution in the irrigation reservoir and along the channel. Samples were collected once at three sampling sites during irrigation season along the irrigation channel, and then samples were transported to CAVM laboratory for analysis. Potassium was determined using flame photometer method while Bicarbonate, Magnesium and Calcium were determined using Titration method. It was observed that the values of Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium range from (33.60ppm to 54.40, 20.64ppm to 29.28ppm and 4ppm to 16.40ppm) respectively and increase from the top to tails end due to runoff nutrients. They are suited to the rice according to FAO, 1985.The pH, ECw and TDS fall in range of 6.71 to 6.92, 18.50μs/cm to 30.47μs/cm and 304.31ppm to 448.11ppm respectively that have no effect for rice. The content of Bicarbonate is high and ranges from 14.03ppm up to 38.73ppm which is not suitable for irrigation water. After water analysis the results were presented with the help of the piper diagrams. So, the new researchers are recommended to take three samples in three times for every site in order to get good results.


Swamp, Irrigation Water Quality and physico-chemical parameters

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