Review Of The Relationship And Drawbacks Of Green Human Resource Management And Sustainable Employee Performance

Adham Fayad, Mahmud Hamid, Asma Ul Hosna


For decades, researchers have examined the connection between environmental sustainability and organizations. However, the relationship between the environment and employee sustainability has been ignored. Green human resource management is a concept of involving environmental objectives in the old HRM process. Thus, the current study's purpose is to review the relationship between green human resource management (GHRM) and the sustainable performance of employees. The current study intends to conduct the research in systematic literature review methods to identify the research outcome and relationships. The research outcome contributes significantly to the existing literature on GHRM and the sustainable performance of employees by showing strengths and drawbacks for future researchers and organizations as well.


Sustainable Employee Performance, Green Human Resource Management, Employee Motivation, Resource Based View Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Social Identity Theory, Stakeholder Theory

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