The Impact Of Teachers’ Temperament On Students’ Attitudes And Performance



Teaching is a noble profession that deals with varied personalities. Besides, students may be inspired or discouraged by the mannerisms teachers show in class sessions. Thus, in this paper, the authors sought to assess the impact of teachers’ temperaments on students’ achievements. To get authentic results, the researchers chose to use both qualitative and quantitative research approaches, where the data collection tools were questionnaires. The target population was aimed at 150 students from Rwanda Polytechnic—IPRC Musanze (years 1, 2, and 3). Moreover, in this study, the sampling was selected through a stratified random technique. The results have shown that a large number of students love smart, flexible, and time-management teachers, among others. Students, on the other hand, lose interest when they have a teacher who is lax, rigid, or shabby, to name a few characteristics.


Temperament, attitudes.

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