Development Planning Based On Data Desa Presisi In Tapanuli Utara Regency, North Sumatra Province

Nikson Nababan, H. Khasan Effendy, Dahyar Daraba, Mansyur Achmad


The success of development policies is determined by the availability of data and the ability to carry out good program planning. This study aims to look at the current conditions of regional development (especially in the field of basic services) and the achievement of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of regional development referring to cases in three research locations: Sibandang Village, Sidagal Village, and Hutatoruan I Village in North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra . The research uses a descriptive quantitative approach based on Data Desa Presisi (DDP). This study found that the lowest achievement of basic services was in Sidagal Village and the highest quality of basic services was found in Hutatoruan I Village. For this reason, this study recommends that the findings obtained be used as the basis for DDP-based regional development planning.


data desa presisi, development planning, north tapanuli regency

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