Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Literature Review

Maged Naser, Mohamed M. Nasr, Lamia H. Shehata


Osteoporosis is a chronic condition, similar to heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension. A huge gap exists in the primary prevention of fractures, and studies show that an expected 80% to 90% of adults don't get proper osteoporosis managment even in the secondary prevention setting. Case finding strategies have been created and effective pharmacological mediations are accessible. This review tends to how ideal to utilize the pharmacological choices that anyone could hope to find for postmenopausal osteoporosis to give long lasting fracture protection in patients at high and extremely high risk of fracture. The advantage of osteoporosis treatments far outweighs the uncommon risks.


Postmenopausal: Osteoporosis; Diphosphonates; Denosumab; Duration of therapy.

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