The Existence and Characterization of Potential Cellulolytic and Lignolytic Bacteria From Spent Mushroom Substrate of Pleurotus ostreatus L.

Agria Yolanda, Nurmiati Nurmiati, Periadnadi Periadnadi


Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) of P. ostreatus is the residual compost waste generated by the mushroom production industry. The main component of P. ostreatus cultivation is sawdust that high of lignocellulosic material. The presence of cellulose and lignin can be the carbon source of indigenous cellulolytic and lignolytic bacteria. The study was conducted to know the existence of indigenous cellulolytic and lignolytic bacteria and determine their activity or potential character. This research was conducted using the purposive sampling method and analyzed descriptively. The result showed the existance of cellulolytic bacteria (41–51×105 cfu/g) and lignolytic bacteria (60-80 × 105) in SMS. PD04S has a higher cellulolytic index and PYK2L has a higher lignolytic index.


Cellulolytic index; lignolytic index; Pseudomonas; Paracoccus

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