Interpretation Of Adolescent Culture In “Konservatif” Songs (Roland Barthes Semiotics Analysis)

Bagus Galih Prakasa, Tina Kartika, M. Denu Poyo


This study explains the interpretation of song entitled Konservatif by The Adams Band Group through Roland Barthes' concept of Semiotics. The concept is focused on three discussions, namely denotation, connotation and myth. This research method through an interpretative qualitative approach focuses on signs and text as an object of study and understanding the code behind the song's signs and text. The results showed that interpretatively this Konservatif song had the meaning of describing the life of Indonesian people, especially adolescents at that time. Healthy dating patterns or styles in the sense of not doing bad deeds in dating two people or a couple are described as experiencing a courteous dating moment in compliance with customary norms in Indonesia. Forms of dating or having negative romance have been rampant anywhere, not escaping parental supervision so as to have free association. The semiotic study of songs that reflect people's lives is for teenagers who are starting to grow up.


Youth Culture, Konservatif Songs, Semiotics, Roland Barthes

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