Defense Strategy for Inland Waters of the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Channel II to Deter Non-Military Threats in the New National Capital

Syaeful Bakhri, Harjo Susmoro, Beni Rudiawan


Displacement of the National Capital City (NCC) from Jakarta to east Kalimantan Province in Penajam Paser Utara Regency has currently been determined by the government with the enactment of Law No. 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital. In the Law, it is explained that one of the functions of NCC is as a Center of gravity (CoG), which is a symbolization of a country's sovereignty, therefore NCC is a national vital object to be maintained from threats, therefore NCC needs a system and strategy to maintain it in this case non-military threats. In this thesis, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative research method of analysis with the formulation of the problem from the problem statement to be able to protect NCC from non-military threats in the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Channel (IASC) II. The results of this research that the researchers obtained were the significance of non-military threats in the inland water defense area in IASC II, which caused urgency to develop a new NCC defense strategy that could ward off non-military threats in the planning stage of NCC transfer. Then the researcher concluded that in efforts to move NCC it is important to analyze the defense of inland waters in IASC II with the aim of maintaining NCC defense with a strategy of defense of inland waters, in order to realize the country's defense from non-military threats.


IASC II, Center of Gravity, National Capital, Threat, Defense Strategy

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