Analysis Of Teacher Competence And Performance In The Ability To Develop Learning Evaluation Instruments
A teacher in performing his roles and duties is expected to have good pedagogic and professional competencies in the learning process. The teacher certification program is conducted with the objective of creating professional teachers so that teacher performance may increase. The ability to develop learning evaluation instruments is one of the competencies required to be possessed by a teacher. This study is to assess how the ability of teachers in compiling learning evaluation instruments and their relation to the competence and performance of the teachers. The method used was a survey using a questionnaire on high school geography teachers who were certified educators in Bandar Lampung City. Variables assessed included pedagogical and professional competence, teacher's ability to plan, implement, and evaluate learning, and teacher's ability to develop test instruments. Teacher competence and teacher performance are related to the teacher's ability to develop test instruments. Teacher competence, both pedagogic competence and professional competence, characterizes the professional quality of a teacher. Good competence will affect teacher performance as well. The teacher's performance in planning and implementing learning is a reflection of the value of his competence. The teacher's ability to develop test instruments is one part of the teacher's performance assessment.
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