Interaction of Municipal Garbage Waste and Local Microorganisms (LOM) of Banana Weevil on Soybean Yield

Saartje Sompotan, Maria G. M. Polii, Stella M. T. Tulung, Tommy Djoice Sondakh, Jeane S.M. Raintung, Rinny Mamarimbing, Andri Amaliel Managanta, Semuel D. Runtunuwu, Ronny Nangoi, Pemmy Tumewu


Soybean is the third main food commodity after rice and corn because soybean is a source of protein for Indonesian people. The high use of inorganic fertilizers causes fertile land resources to decrease. The need for soybeans increases with the increase in population. Reduced availability of soybean supply so efforts are needed to increase soybean production. Utilization of municipal waste as an effort to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers. The study aimed to determine the effect of the interaction between municipal solid waste and local microorganisms on banana weevils on soybean yields. The research was conducted in Tember Village Tompaso District Minahasa Regency from May to October 2021. The study used a completely randomized factorial design. The treatment consists of, Factor I (A) = city waste compost. A0=without municipal waste compost, A1=10 tonnes/ha municipal waste compost, A2=20 tonnes/ha municipal waste compost. Factor II (B) = dosage of banana weevil local microorganisms. B0=without local microorganisms; B1= 50 ml of banana weevil local microorganisms/1 liter of water; B2=100 ml of banana weevil local microorganisms/1 liter of water, B3= 150 ml of banana weevil local microorganisms/1 liter of water. Each treatment was repeated three times to obtain 36 trial pots. The results showed that the concentration of 150 ml of local microorganisms (LOM) on banana weevil at 20 tonnes/ha of municipal waste compost increased the number of soybean seeds by 532 and the weight of soybean seeds per plant was 107 grams.


Banana Weevil Local Microorganisms; Municipal Waste Compost; Soybean Yield

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