The Biology and Molecular Studies of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.: A Review

Fadilla Hefzi, Mansyurdin Mansyurdin


Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. of the family Malvaceae is an essential multi-purpose tree known as kapok or silk-cotton. The characteristics, taxonomy, distribution, reproductive biology, and molecular studies of C. pentandra are updated in this review. Biological and molecular studies can be used to help the description, identification, and conservation of this species. Google Scholar and PubMed were used to gather information for this review. The selection of articles in the literature was based more on topics than on the coverage period, although higher priority was accorded to more recent references. Further research on the molecular and genetic structure of C. pentandra in several other areas was suggested. 


kapok; Malvaceae; mixed-mating system; silk-cotton

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