Analysis of Tourist Perceptions of Gunung Dago Tourism Area Regarding Tourism Guidelines
Guiding in the Gunung Dago Tourism Area, Parungpanjang District, Bogor Regency, Indonesia is an important part of service activities to tourists. This activity not only provides information about tourist objects and attractions in the area but with guiding activities it is hoped that visitors' understanding of the resources and attractions in the destination will be optimal and able to increase visitor satisfaction. This research was conducted from July to November 2022 by collecting data on tourist perceptions at Gunung Dago Tourism Area using a closed-ended type questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed to 30 tourist respondents by random sampling. Tourists assess that tour guides are needed in the area, especially in locations that require more detailed information, such as cultural villages and traveling around the area. The qualities tour guides needed by tourists are those who have good ethics and communication. The factor that becomes a consideration for tourists using tour guide services is the aspect of their knowledge of tourist destinations. This research implies that Gunung Dago Area managers need to provide tour guides who have good ethics, communication, and knowledge regarding destinations.
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