The Effect of Applying the Constructivism Approach to Concept Understanding and Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Class VIII MTsN IV Angkat Candung Students

yerizon yerizon, Faddilillah Faddilillah, Armiati Armiati


This study aims to determine the effect of applying the constructivism approach to concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability when viewed from the initial ability of students. This type of research is a quasy experiment with a randomized posttest only control group design. The study population were students of class VIII MTsN IV Angkat Candung. The samples in this study were taken randomly, namely students of class VIII.4 as an experimental class and class VIII.5 as a control class. The instruments used are tests of concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability. Data were analyzed with the t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test. The results showed that (1) Concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability of students who follow constructivism-based learning are better than students' concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability in conventional learning, (2) Concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability of students with high initial ability who follow constructivism-based learning are better than the concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability of students with high initial ability in conventional learning, (3) Concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability of students with moderate initial ability who follow constructivism-based learning are better than the concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability of students with moderate initial ability in conventional learning, and (4) Concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability of students with low initial ability who follow constructivism-based learning are better than the concept understanding and mathematical problem solving ability of students with low initial ability in conventional learning.


constructivism approach; concept understanding; mathematical problem solving ability; initial ability

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