Effectiveness of Various Types Bio-Activators to speed up the composting process and Quality of Compost Fertilizer.
Abstract— Organic waste has become a big environmental issue in urban areas. Food waste and plant waste are part of organic waste originating from households, the campus environment, and the food industry. Where this organic waste has a high percentage of the total waste that is disposed of in the landfill. Organic waste also pollutes the environment, causing serious greenhouse gas emissions. Throwing away food waste produces methane gas, which is harmful to the environment and causes global warming. To avoid the mass production of methane gas and environmental pollution from food waste, it is very important to minimize the disposal of food waste in landfills by encouraging waste recycling such as the use of such waste as organic fertilizer in agriculture through the composting process. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a bio activator that can accelerate the composting process by producing compost quality according to SNI. This article presents a review of the use of various bio activators that can accelerate the rate of composting. The study shows that various sources of bio activators have been used in composting food waste such as fruit, vegetables, plant fiber, and agricultural waste. Further studies are needed to see a better combination of bio activators for the composting process.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v36.2.4900
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