Keroncong Arrangement of Widodari Song by Denny Caknan: Local Aesthetic Ideology and Local Wisdom Inculcation

Charitra Yulia Dien Wardihastri Dellavani, Mulyanto -, Edi Kurniadi


This study seeks to find out and explain the process of the Keroncong arrangement of the Widodari song by Deny Caknan and the presence of the local aesthetics and local wisdom in the arrangement. This study adopted local wisdom and musical arrangements theories. The was designed with descriptive qualitative research methods, along with the data collection procedures, observation, interviews, analysis, and drawing conclusions. The results found that in the process of arranging the Keroncong of Widodari song, there are elements of local aesthetics in it, such as the musical concepts of engkel, double, and the vocal concept of ngganduli. In addition, the arrangement process also contains local wisdom values such as aspects of tolerance and mutual cooperation. Tolerance can be seen that there is no one instrument that is more dominant than another, everything must be balanced. Mutual cooperation can be seen from the interweaving of Keroncong instruments which cannot work alone, all complement each other


arrangement, Keroncong, local wisdom; music style; Widodari

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