Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE): Review

Maged Naser, Mohamed M. Naser, Lamia H. Shehata


Wireless capsule endoscopy is presently taken into consideration the gold standard investigation of the small bowel. It is both realistic for physicians and easily accepted by patients. Prior to its improvement, forms of imaging investigations of the small bowel were available: radiologic and endoscopic. The first class is much less invasive and comfortable for patients; it offers the ensemble of the small bowel; however, it could suggest radiation exposure. Images are built primarily based totally on signals emitted through diverse equipment and require unique interpretation. Endoscopic techniques  offer real time coloured images obtained through miniature cameras from within the small bowel, require interpretation only from a clinical point of view, can also additionally permit the opportunity to carry out biopsies, however the investigation only covers part of the small bowel and are greater hard to just accept by patients. Wireless capsule endoscopy is the present-day answer that overcomes part of the preceding drawbacks: it covers the complete small bowel, it presents real time images obtained through cameras, it's painless for patients, and it represents a plentiful source of information’s for physicians. Yet, it lacks motion control and the opportunity to carry out biopsies or administer drugs. However, sizable effort has been orientated in these directions through technical and medical teams, and more advanced capsules will actually be available the following years. 


Medical robots, Digestive endoscopy, Robotic endoscopic capsules, Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE), Microsystem, Technologies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v36.1.4845


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