The Role of Neuroticism Personality Traits on Quarter-Life Crisis Moderated by Religiosity in Early Adult Women

Ridha Refelina Syafar, Rodiatul Hasanah Siregar, Hasnida Hasnida


The phenomenon of the quarter-life crisis occurs in conditions faced by individuals in the period of early adulthood (emerging adulthood) especially women with many demands, both in terms of interpersonal relations, career, education/academics, and various other demands, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine whether there is a role for religiosity in moderating neuroticism personality traits against the quarter-life crisis. This study uses incidental sampling technique and involves 384 individuals who are early adult women. Data collection uses three scales, namely neuroticism personality traits scale, the quarter-life crisis scale, and the religiosity scale. The analytical technique used in this study is moderation regression analysis. The results showed that (1) there was an influence or role neuroticism personality traits on the quarter-life crisis in early adult women, (2) religiosity had a moderating effect that weakened the role neuroticism personality traits on the quarter-life crisis. The implication of this research is that religiosity weakens the role neuroticism personality traits in the quarter-life crisis with little effect.


Neuroticism Personality Traits, Quarter-Life Crisis, Religiosity

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