Ngalap Berkah to the Sacred Tomb in Surakarta: An Ethnographic Study at the Tomb of Ki Ageng Henis

Endang Tri Irianingsih, Wakit Abdullah, Warto Warto, Sri Kusumo Habsari


The objective of this study is to describe the pattern of pilgrimage practices and to reveal the primary purpose of pilgrims at Ki Ageng Henis' tomb. This is a qualitative study with an ethnographic approach. Data collection were technically done through field method covering observation and interviews. The results of this study are as follows: 1) there are three patterns of pilgrimage practices at the tomb of Ki Ageng Henis, namely the pattern of Javanese traditional pilgrimage practice, Islamic pilgrimage practice pattern, and tourist pilgrimage practice pattern; 2) the primary aim of pilgrims visiting the tomb of Ki Ageng Henis is seeking for blessings ngalap berkah due to the presence of the figure of Ki Ageng Henis. the tomb of Ki Ageng Henis can serve as a symbol of community harmony due to the diversity of pilgrims who visit it.


Pilgrimage Practices; Sacred Tomb; Ethnography; Symbols Of Harmony

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