Quality of Nata Fruticans on Various Concentration Monascus purpureus as Natural Dye

Ika Thalia Nissa, Fitratul Aini, Hasna Ul Maritsa


Monascus purpureus is a mold species capable of producing secondary metabolites, such as pigments used as natural colourants in foods, such as nata fruticans. Using natural colourants on nata is an alternative to replacing synthetic colours in food. This study aims to know the effect of colour produced and the best concentration of M. purpureus on nata fruticans. This research method includes making data fruticans sheet using water fruit of Nypa fruticans, making spores suspension of M.purpureus, and fermenting nata fruticans by using Monascus spores suspension with various concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 30%. Monascus-nata fruticans complex was dried and extracted by methanol to determine the colour intensity of M.purpureus pigment production and absorbed by Monascus-nata fruticans complex. The 30% concentration of M. purpureus was the best concentration based on colour, texture, aroma, and colour intensity.


colourant; Monascus-nata fruticans complex; pigment; quality; spore

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v35.2.4780


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