The Management Of Turtle Nesting In Protected Areas On Bando Island And Kasiak Island, Pariaman, West Sumatera

Dira Meritha Wiyaga, Jabang Nurdin, Indra Junaidi Zakaria


This research was carried out from December 2021 to October 2022 on Bando Island and Kasiak Island, Pariaman City. The research aims to analyze the management of turtle eggs in protected areas using survey methods. The results is were that turtles lay eggs on Bando Island every month and on Kasiak Island turtles lay eggs in May, June and July and other months there are no turtles laying eggs. Traces and nests of the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) on Bando Island and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) on Kasiak Island were found on the island. Management of turtle eggs on Bando Island involves relocating eggs from natural nests to semi-natural nests as a place for incubation of eggs to hatch, while on Kasiak Island the relocation of eggs to another beach, namely Apar UPTD KPSDKP Kota Pariaman and is not in accordance with conservation rules. The characteristics of the turtle nesting sites at the study site have the same habitat conditions but turtles prefer to lay their eggs on Bando Island around Bakung vegetation (Scaevola taccada) while Kasiak Island around Ketapang vegetation (Terminalia cattapa). Management of turtle nesting on Bando Island is appropriate based on the quality standards of technical guidelines for turtle conservation management, namely the development of semi-natural habitats and Kasiak Island is not yet managed. On Kasiak Island, the management of turtle eggs is still relatively low and requires guidance from related parties.



Turtle eggs, Bando Island, Kasiak Island, the management, protected area.

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