Advanced Computer Graphics Aided Molecular Visualization and Manipulation Softwares: The Hierarchy of Research Methodologies

Anant Babu Marahatta


In the present day, the huge obstacles, and the major technical problems encountered by the teaching and research faculties, academicians, industrial specialists, laboratory demonstrators and instructors, fellow students and researchers, etc. are to adopt integrative approaches of demonstrating (learning) chemistry and chemical education, and the realistic ways of delivering (grasping) scientific materials articulately with graceful and effortless manner. Towards minimizing these challenges, various audio-visual tools and technologies, advanced computer aided molecular graphics, freely available electronic gadgets assisted chemistry and chemical education apps, human unreadable data reading and accessing softwares, etc. are being incorporated worldwide as the most indispensable physical and electronic means for successful professionalisms. This short article is essentially a collective report underscoring extraordinary approaches, incredible efforts, and innovative skills of the computer based chemical and molecular graphics towards illuminating intrinsic parts of the chemistry and chemical education, and revealing various aspects of the cutting -edge research. As their representatives, herein, the different type computer coding languages based graphical tools such as Molden, GaussView, Jmol, and Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD) are referred, and elucidated their potential applications and remarkable attempts in the advancement of diverse areas of chemistry and chemical education. Beside this, the most essential graphical features, unique rendering abilities with magnificent views, splendid visualizing skills, awesome data accessing functionalities, etc. of each of them, and their invaluable roles for studying complex molecules, biomolecules, crystals, and the entire material assemblies as well as for investigating global and local molecular physicochemical properties are presented concisely with the special stresses on their relatively better and comparatively more applicable distinctive attributes explicitly


Chemistry/Chemical Education, Computer Graphics, Molden, Jmol, GaussView, and Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD)

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