Implementation of The Digital Communication Model for Agro-Based Tourism Villages in Balongrejo Village and Pesudukuh Village, Nganjuk Regency
In Indonesia, tourism villages have become a plan and goal in national development carried out across sectors, both by the Ministry of Home Affairs; Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration; Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs); Ministry of Tourism; and other sectoral ministries that can support the realization of tourism villages. to answer challenges and capture opportunities in the era of globalization/digitalization through repositioning the existence of tourism activities starting from the investment, promotion, manufacture of tourism products, preparation of international marketing networks, preparation of quality human resources through quality hospitality, and tourism education, use of internet technology (reservation system) in increasing the number of tourist arrivals, as well as creating an atmosphere of coopetition (cooperation). The purpose of the study was to identify the potential for education, motivation, and infrastructure, to identify the potential of Balongrejo Village and Pesudukuh Village as pioneering agro-based tourism villages, to implement the pentahelix model as a communication strategy, digital communication models for agro-based tourism villages in Balongrejo and Pesudukuh villages. The method used in this research is a field study (field research). Primary data were collected through direct observation and in-depth interviews to obtain in-depth information from key informants and conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGD) as well as literature studies with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. Accessibility in the education sector is generally adequate, but there is still a dropout rate (APS). The accessibility of the community in obtaining health services in 2022 has generally shown improvement, however, the Village Polyclinic (Polindes) still lacks functioning because it is tightly damaged, the poor have not been served 100%, and the development has not been adequately infrastructure. The existence of infrastructure facilities and infrastructure indispensable to the development of the village, so that access to information and communication as well as the distribution of goods and services can be felt more evenly by the community because all communities have the opportunity to grow and develop and progress together to reduce the level of inequality between villagers. In addition, road and communication infrastructure at this time is still showing a decline in tourism village actors. To realize profitable and sustainable thematic tourism programs, collaboration with a transparent and interactive tourism village digital communication model is needed. The approach to the concept of digital communication in tourism villages combined with the concept of collaboration between stakeholders can illustrate that the planning and implementation of programs, concepts, and ideas can work well in the future.
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