Relationships Between Rainfall And Vegetation Production During The Period 1999-2019 In Burkina Faso

Alimata Zorom, Pounyala Awa Ouoba, Wièmè Somé, Yélézouomin Stéphane Corentin Somé


Burkina Faso is a country of transition between the Saharan desert and rainforests. Over six hundred kilometres from the north-east to the south-west, there is a strong variation in rainfall with four plant areas and strong heterogeneities in human densities and activities. Since vegetation is largely dependent on precipitation, the objective of this study is to study the relationships between precipitation and vegetation in Burkina Faso. The methodology is based on spatio-temporal analysis of correlations between FAPAR (a vegetation index) and rainfall parameters (cumulated rainfall, annual number of rainy days). This study showed a strong and significant correlation between precipitation metrics and vegetation. It also revealed facial variations across the country. The correlations are more pronounced in regions with high population densities and natural formations consisting of steppe and savannah with a strong dominance of rainfed crops and annual herbaceous plants. Low correlations are observed in areas of high conservation areas and classified forests with higher abundance of woody and other multi-year species.


Burkina Faso, rainfall, vegetation, FAPAR

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