Aptitude À L’irrigation Des Eaux De La Nappe Du Continental Terminal De Bonoua.(Sud-Est De La Côte d’Ivoire)

Privat TOHOURI, Benjamin Vincent Rodrigue Braphond ANONG, Germain Miessan ADJA, Jacques Edoukou DJEMIN, Jean BIEMI


In the south-east of Ivory Coast, the Bonoua Continental Terminal aquifer is the main source of water supply for the irrigation of rubber, pineapple and oil palm cultivation in agro-industrialunits. However, thisaquiferisthreatened by the intrusion of seawater in itssouthern part and by anthropogenic pollution, whichconstitute a major constraint for the development of agriculture in the Bonouaregion. The main objective of thisstudyis to determine the quality of water for agricultural use in the Bonoua Continental Terminal aquifer, in order to prevent the risk of the appearance of processes of salinization, sodization or alkalinization of the soil at variousdegrees. To do this, a hydrochemicalcharacterization of the waters of thisaquiferwascarried out following the taking of water samplesfrom 30 wells, 23 boreholes and 4 springsduring the dry and rainyseasons. The water analyzes made it possible to establishthe chemical facies and their classification according to the Stuyfzand chart and to deduce the suitability of these waters for irrigation and the risks of salinization. The results made it possible to distinguishtwochemical facies: a chloride and calcium sulphate facies (74%) and a sodium-potassium chloride facies (26%). The Stuyfzand classification indicatedthat the groundwaterisoligohaline to oligohaline-cool withlowhardness, and is not contaminated by seawater. Regardingitssuitability for irrigation, the waters have lowmineralizationassociatedwithrisks of low to medium salinity and lowalkalinity. These waters canthereforebeused for the irrigation of mostcrops on mostsoils. However, beforeusing water for irrigation, its pH shouldberaised.


Salinization ; Groundwater ; Geochemical Facies ; Stuyfzand Classification ; Bonoua ; IvoryCoast.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v35.1.4692


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