Implementation Of Interactive Digital Books In Project-Based Learning To Improve Learning Outcomes

Diana Susanti, Vivi Fitriani, Liza Yulia Sari


The use of technology is very useful in the learning process. The use of interactive digital books has not been implemented in biology learning strategy and design lectures with a project-based approach. For this reason, this research was carried out to see student learning outcomes using interactive digital books through project-based learning. This research is an experimental study (control group design) with a sample of students who are taking biology learning strategy and design lectures at STKIP Ahlusunnah and at PGRI University, West Sumatra. The instrument used is in the form of questions. Data obtained in descriptive form and processed using SPSS. The results showed that the application of interactive digital books was able to improve student learning outcomes through project-based learning. It was concluded that the use of interactive digital books using project-based learning could improve student learning outcomes.


Implementation, Interactive digital books, Project-Based learning, Learning outcomes

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