The Structure and Composition of Plants in Habitat of Kantong Semar (Nepenthes spp.)

Nur Hikmah, Nurainas Nurainas, Dahelmi Dahelmi, Chairul Chairul


The existence Nepenthes in its natural habitat has begun to be threatened with extinction due to several factors, namely by illegal logging, forest fires and forest land conversion. This study aims to determine the structure and composition of plants in the habitat of the semar bag (Nepenthes spp.). This study used the plot method squared and determined the research location by purposive sampling, with the plot size determined based on the vegetation strata, namely: understorey and seedling (2x2 m2). , poles (5x5 m2), and trees (10x10 m2). Analysis multivariate canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results of the study found as many as 13 families consisting of 22 species of plants scattered in the Nepenthes which were divided into understorey plants and seedlings, poles and trees. The highest Important Value Index (INP) in the tree strata is 80.44% in the Syzygium sp. The Diversity Index (H') of plants in the Nepenthes was classified as moderate, ranging from 1.75 to 2.1. The environmental factor that most determines the presence of Nepenthes is temperature with a CCA score of 0.45.


Habitat, Nepenthes, Purposive Sampling.

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