The Development of E-Module based on Guided Inquiry using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 in Materials The Diversity of Living Tings and Classification of Living Things for Students in Class X MIPA SMAN 3 Batam
The teaching materials based on Information and communication technology are widely uses as a tool in schools today. Based on preliminary investigation data by students of class X MIPA in SMAN 3 Batam shows that the learning materials used are not in accordance with the competency standards. Furthermore, there are also difficulties by students learning the materials biology.
This study aims to produce an e-module based on guided inquiry in the material diversity of living tings and classification of living things that valid, practical, and effective to use. The type of research is development research using the Plomp model, and The design of research used in the field trial is intact group comparison. The assessment are carried out through learning activities, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning outcomes of students. The data analysis technique in this study used parametric and non-parametric data analysis techniques.
The results showed that the e-module based on guided inquiry is very valid with a score of 93,06%. The results of field trials on student learning activities showed the score 83,00% with very valid criteria, cognitive learning outcomes cognitive learning outcomes 81,25 of students who passed the minimum mastery criteria, 76.72% affective learning outcomes with effective criteria, and psychomotor learning outcomes with a value of 82.50% with very effective criteria. The results showed that the e-module based on guided inquiry on the material on biodiversity and classification of living things that had been developed was valid, practical, and effective.Keywords
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