The Effect Of Intellectual Capital, Company Growth, And Return On Assets On Company Value

Aang Munawar, Ranti Rahmayanti, Mumuh Mulyana


The construction sector in Indonesia plays an important role because it affects most sectors of the country's economy and makes a significant contribution to the development process. The construction sector is closely related to the infrastructure sector, which includes the construction of roads, housing, sewer systems, airports, apartments, and others. The construction sector is an area that requires the need for special skills, especially in terms of complex technology, because of this Indonesia needs to deploy foreign workers. Skilled human resources will help increase a company's value. Human resources or also known as human capital is one of the elements in intellectual capital that can help increase company value. Besides intellectual capital, there are other aspects that are predicted to affect the value of the company, namely financial performance and growth of a company.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of intellectual capital, company growth and return on assets on firm value in building construction sub-sector companies.The results of the study the effect of intellectual capital, company growth, and return on assets on firm value in building construction subsector companies is intellectual capital is considered negative and insignificant to firm value, company growth has a significant positive effect on firm value, return on assets has a significant positive effect on firm value, and simultaneously intellectual capital, company growth and return on assets have a significant positive relationship


intellectual capital, Intellectual Capital, Company Growth, Return on Assets, and Company Value

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