Juridic Concept Of Carbon Trade As International Collaborative In Effort To Save The World From The Threat Of Global Warm

Kamaruddin Eddiwan


Global warming and climate change are global environmental issues and one of the international issues that hold polemics in terms of the juridical aspect, namely the concept of carbon trading as a form of cooperation between developed and developing countries which is carried out with an ERPA (Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement) contract. This research examines: What are the rules of international law regarding global warming? What is the international law that regulates carbon trading? How are the legal aspects of carbon trading related to international cooperation to overcome the impact of global warming, according to the ERPA (Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement) agreement? This research is descriptive normative legal research because the objective of this research is to examine the legal rules related to global warming, and carbon trading using library research techniques. The data were analyzed qualitatively. Global warming and climate change are regulated in The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). UNFCCC becomes a reference for parties who ratify this convention in making further rules on ways to deal with global warming and climate change. The UNFCCC is also a reference for the formation of the Kyoto Protocol which gave birth to the concept of carbon trading through the Flexible Mechanism. One of the carbon trading concepts is CDM which allows cooperation between developed and developing countries. The CDM project is carried out by ERPA (Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement). There are several clauses in the ERPA contract for CDM project implementation. Projects through the CDM carbon trading scheme are implemented properly and more easily, making more and more countries take part in them to tackle the issue of global warming and climate change.


Carbon Trading, Global Warming, UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, ERPA

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v35.2.4571


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