Déterminants Du Vieillissement En Sante Chez Les Personnes De Troisième Age De La Ville De Buta



The main purpose of our study is to identify the determinants of healthy aging among elderly people in the city of Buta; to improve lifestyle habits/behaviours and promote their health. We opted for a cross-sectional analytical estimate, in order to allow us to identify the determinants of healthy aging among the elderly inhabitants of the city of Buta, from 03/17/2021 to 07/25/2021. A total of 471 senior citizens (55 years or older) were surveyed. The association between health-promoting factors and cumulative chronic health problems (3 or more problems, 0 problems) was verified using a logistic regression model adjusted for age, sex, and level of health. education of our respondents, because all study characteristics are strongly linked to the variables studied (p<0.05 each). Daily consumption of leaves/vegetables, beans, meat, rice + fruits; the practice of a physical activity; a good body weight index; a cumulative index of 4 health-promoting factors; are factors that protect the elderly person from a chronic health problem and this is significant (p<0.05 significant at the conventional threshold of 5%).


Factors Favorable To Health, Chronic Health Problems, Elderly People, Town Of Buta.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v34.1.4561


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