The Developing Prospect of Sago Noodle Agroindustry in Maluku Province (Case Study in Tulehu Village, Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency, Maluku Province)

Raja Milyaniza Sari, Ester Dorina Leatemia, Maisie Trixie Flori Tuhumury


The Objectives of research were to analyze the internal and external factors carrying capacity of the developing of sago noodles agroindustry in Tulehu village, to analyze the business feasibility of sago noodle agroindustry in Tulehu village, and to analyze the developing strategies of sago noodle agroindustry in Tulehu village. The analysis methods used in this research were the analysis of internal and external factor carrying capacity with direct observation in the field, direct interview using questionnaires with various parties related to the developing of sago noodle agroindustry, the analysis of sago noodle agroindustry feasibility with four investment appraisal methods namely Net Present Value (NPV) analysis, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) analysis, Benefit cost ratio (Net B/C) analysis and Pay Back Period at 13.5 % of SDR, and the analysis of sago noodle  agroindustry developing strategies in Maluku Province using SWOT analysis. The results of the research showed that there are 10 internal strategic factors as strength and weakness factors and 10 external strategic factors as opportunity and threats factors in the developing of sago noodle agroindustry in Tulehu village. The result of business feasibility analysis of sago noodle agroindustry showed that the developing of sago noodle agroindustry is viable. Then, SWOT analysis was done based on the identification of results from internal and external factors and the feasibility analysis of sago noodle agroindustry.  SWOT analysis showed that there are 12 strategies that can be carried out in the developing of sago noodle agroindustry grand strategy in the future. The primary strategy is publication and socialization of feasibility analysis of sago noodle agroindustry in Tulehu village.


Keywords: developing prospect, noodle agroindustry, sago


Developing Prospect; Noodle Agroindustry; Sago.

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