Comparative Analysis of Farming Direct Sowing Cropping System by Legowo Planting System (Case: Paya Rahat Village, Banda Mulia Sub-district, Regency Aceh Tamiang

Darma Yanti, Rahmanta ., Sri Fajar Ayu


The aim of this research is to analyze the difference of labor cost, production cost, productivity difference, acceptance and to analyze the difference of income used in Direct Seed Sowing System and Legowo Planting System in research area. Data analysis method used in this research is by using statistical test of t-test (Test of average difference of Independent sample t-test). The results of penetilian indicate that there is a real difference between the amount of labor outpours that is the amount of labor outpours of farming using direct seed sowing method that is equal to 50.08 HKP / Ha and farming using legowo planting method that is equal to 79.24 HKP; there is a difference in production costs ie the average amount of production costs on the method of sowing seeds directly lower seed is Rp. 3,707,391.37 / Ha, and the total production cost in the legowo method is higher at Rp. 5.827.522 / Ha; there is a difference in productivity; ie productivity using direct seed sowing method of total productivity of 51.36 Kw / Ha; while the total productivity of wetland paddy farming using legowo planting method is 64,86 Kw / Ha; there is a significant difference in farming acceptance by planting method of tabela that is equal to Rp. 15,309,783- / Ha, with farming acceptance by legowo planting method that is equal to Rp. 18.271.677 / Ha, - There is a significant difference in farming income with the method of planting tabela that is Rp., 11.593.282- / Ha, with farming income with legowo planting method that is Rp. 12.422.889 / Ha, -.


Curation of Labor; Production cost; Productivity; Income

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