The Effect of Service Quality, Facilities and Image / Brand image on The Satisfaction of Inpatients of Royal Prima Hospital Medan

Yu Jiayin


The hospital seeks to build a marketing strategy that raises the image in the community to increase satisfaction through improving the quality of services, facilities, image, price, and other factors. If customer expectations are greater than the quality of service received, consumers are not satisfied. Similarly, if expectations are equal to or less than the quality of service received, then the patient is not satisfied. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of service quality, facilities, and image/brand image on the satisfaction of inpatients of Royal Prima Hospital Medan. The research approach used in this study is a quantitative research method. The population of the entire inpatient. data from the last three months obtained patient data of 15,691 patients with an average per month of 6,653 patients. The minimum number of samples using SEM, then the number of samples taken in this study was determined to be 100 people. The sample determination technique used in this study is based on the nonprobability sampling method. The validity test compares the r-count value with the r-table for the degree of freedom = n- k, in alpha 0.05. Reliability test with Cronbach Alpha statistical test > 0.70. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis models, coefficient of determination (R2), F test (simultaneous testing), and t-test (partial testing). The results of the Service Quality variable, obtained t count (6.026) > t-table (1.66) and probability value (0.006) < 0.05, Health Facility Variable, obtained t-count (5,442) > t-table (1.66) and probability value (0.001) < 0.05, variable Image / Brand image, obtained t-count (5,109) > t-table (1.66) and probability value (0.004) < 0.05, thus partially variables of service quality, facilities, and image have an influence on Patient Satisfaction. The calculated F value is 60.554 with a probability of 0.004, since the probability is smaller than 0.05, then the regression model can be used to predict Patient Satisfaction. This can also be seen from the F-count (60,554) > F-table (2.70), then H4 is accepted which means that the variables of Service Quality, Health Facilities, and Image / Brand image affect the Satisfaction of Inpatients of Royal Prima Hospital. In conclusion, based on partial analysis of t-tests and simultaneous F tests, variables of service quality, facilities, and image have a significant influence on the level of satisfaction of inpatients at Royal Prima Hospital Medan


quality of service, facilities, image, satisfaction, patient

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