Hydrocarbons Utilizing Coliform from Polluted Soil (Sandy, Clay and Loamy) in Jega, Nigeria
Environmental pollution with spilled oil and waste hydrocarbons has become a problem of major concern on the global scale. The study determined the biodegradation potentials of coliform from soil treated with petrol in Jega metropolis. A total of nine (9) soil samples were collected and analyzed using Physicochemical and Microbiological standard techniques. The mean values of the physicochemical parameters tested ranged; pH (6.8-7.8), Temperature (–32.6b), Electrical conductivity (-), Dissolved oxygen (2.4-8.9), Biological oxygen demand ( -), Chemical oxygen demand (), Nitrogen content (1.30.2 -) and Phosphorous contents (2.90.- ). The spectrophotometric biodegradation potential of the soil samples reveals the turbidity range of 2.3-7., after which the bacterial isolates as scoliform were obtained, the isolates were further biochemically characterized, their percentage of occurrence show; Pseudomonas aeruginosa with 5 (29.4%), Escherichia coli with 3 (17.6%), Proteus vulgaris with 3 (17. 6%), Citrobacter koseri with 2 (11.8%), Citrobacter freundii with 2 (11.8%), while Proteus mirabilis with 2 (11.8%). The bacteria isolated fit for utilizing hydrocarbons as energy source. Therefore, microbes can be considered as a key component in the cleanup strategy for petroleum hydrocarbons remediation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v34.1.4469
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bilyaminu Garba Jega, Muhammad Shamsuddeen Muhammad, Abdulazeez Aishat Folake, Mvendaga Iormanger, Musa Ibrahim
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