Effect Of Encapsulation Of Liquid Smoke Of Cocoa Fruit Peel (Theobroma Cacao L.) Against The Shelf Life Of Goldfish Meat (Cyprinus Carpio L. )

Lisnawati Tamba, Zulkifli Lubis, Albiner Siagian


This study aims to determine the characteristics of the liquid smoke of cocoa fruit peels and the effect of encapsulants on the shelf life of carp meat.  The preservative of the cocoa fruit skin liquid smoke encapsulated maltodextrin decreases the activity of microorganisms and protects the liquid smoke from being easily damaged.


The tahap I study aimed to obtain the best maltodextrin-encapsulated cocoa fruit peel liquid smoke from three formulations (10%:0%;  9.5%:0.5%;  8.5%:1.5%). Tahap II is the preservation of carp meat using liquid smoked cocoa fruit peel encapsulated maltodextrin concentration of 1%.  Positive control is used as a comparison, that is, traditional smoked carp meat.

The formulation of F2 (9.5%:0.5%) of cocoa fruit peel liquid smoke is encapsulated maltodextrin with a  pH value of 5.76; total acid 0.036%; and antioxidant 38.86 (μg/mL) being the  best formulation. Phase II research resulted in a decrease in moisture content while the pH, TPC and total phenol values  increased during storage. The positive control water content values were low, while nilai pH, TPC and total phenol were highest compared to the entire storage  treatment. While the organoleptic value of liquid smoked carp meat decreases during storage.



Carp Meat, Liquid Smoke, Skin Kakao Fruit, Encapsulation, Maltodextrin.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v33.2.4442


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