Librarians Roles and Challenges Facing the New Habit Era
This study discusses the role and challenges of librarians in facing the new era of habits. In this study, researchers discuss the concepts and approaches to preparing librarians in the face of changes and challenges that librarians are likely to face during this era of new habits filled with uncertainty. To perform their roles and respond to challenges in this new era of habits, librarians should prepare and equip themselves with competencies and combinations of various knowledges. Where this knowledge can be obtained from formal and informal education levels, attending training, and based on experiences gained from conditions in the field. Education and competency development can be carried out by implementing the principles of proactiveness, readiness, engagement, problem solving, skills and knowledge obtained from the use of practical abilities from the real situation being faced. Librarians must have a positive, proactive and preparedness attitude including loyal, independent and honest attitudes in facing the era of new habits. This is an attitude that is highly expected from librarians in facing the competition in the labor market for the era of new habits in the future.
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