The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Job Involvement to Change Adaptation

Irma Oktafianti, Emmy Mariatin, Eka Danta Jaya Ginting


The current era of globalization is full of uncertainty. The challenge faced by the company is that it requires management to make changes in order to maintain its existence. The change process itself requires adaptation to achieve effective goals. This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership and job involvement on employee adaptation to change. Research participants totaled 197 employees of PT. Bank BSI Banda Aceh City. The measuring instrument in this study used the scale of adaptation to change, the scale of transformational leadership, and the scale of job involvement. The data obtained were then analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that there was a significant effect of transformational leadership and job involvement on adaptation to change (F = 30,554, p = .000). The implication of this research is that employees can adapt to change when it is supported by a transformational leadership style and employee job involvement in it.


transformational leadership, job involvement, change adaptation.

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