Development Of Collaborative Learning Model Based On Guided Inquiry In Increasing Learning Outcomes Of Students Of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 City Of Padang Panjang
Collaborative learning Based on guided inquiry emphasizes cooperation between participants in groups. This is based on the thought that it is easier for everyone to understand a concept if they discuss the problem together. Most of them in guided inquiry-based collaborative learning will form togetherness by considering differences in academic ability, gender and characteristics. The development of this model is expected to be useful for implementation in the learning carried out and will have an impact on increasing the enthusiasm for learning, so of course it will also have an impact on increasing student learning outcomes. The data sources for this research are students at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 300 people. Data analysis in this study will be carried out by checking the validity of the data. The results of this study show that the concept of Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry can be combined into one Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry. Because these two models emphasize the process of obtaining student information and providing stimulus to students in the form of presenting an invention they have obtained.
Collaborative learning Based on guided inquiry emphasizes cooperation between participants in groups. This is based on the thought that it is easier for everyone to understand a concept if they discuss the problem together. Most of them in guided inquiry-based collaborative learning will form togetherness by considering differences in academic ability, gender and characteristics. The development of this model is expected to be useful for implementation in the learning carried out and will have an impact on increasing the enthusiasm for learning, so of course it will also have an impact on increasing student learning outcomes. The data sources for this research are students at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 300 people. Data analysis in this study will be carried out by checking the validity of the data. The results of this study show that the concept of Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry can be combined into one Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry. Because these two models emphasize the process of obtaining student information and providing stimulus to students in the form of presenting an invention they have obtained.
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